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Saki (Hector Hugh Munro): Short Stories

Reading Group
S 405 0902
CHF 266.00, exkl. Kosten Buch
Andrea Bollinger, Dr.
max. 12
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If one characterizes a story as "funny", it must always be borne in mind that the British variety of "fun" can be very special, perhaps even downright weird (think of Roald Dahl, Monty Python and many others). Such a statement certainly applies to a British (actually Scottish) master of the short story, Hector Hugh Munro (1870-1916), who chose the pen name Saki (don't confuse it with the Japanese rice wine sake). So expect subtle humour which may get quite dark, mischievous wit, sparkling dialogue, surprise endings and occasional forays into the macabre. His often very short stories mock the pretentiousness and hypocrisy of his contemporary Edwardian world, without having lost their satirical relevance since the untimely death of their author in the trenches of the First World War. Saki was clearly influenced by Oscar Wilde, and in turn influenced writers like Noel Coward, P. G. Wodehouse and Roald Dahl. After a biographical introduction to the background of his work, we shall read selected stories, either at home as preparation for the discussion, or together in class, depending on the amount of text. Level C1/C2

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