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C1 Literature: James Runcie, The Grantchester Mysteries

Reading Group
S 405 0902
CHF 266.00, exkl. Kosten Buch
Andrea Bollinger, Dr.
max. 14
siehe Kursbeschrieb

After all the "noir" novels full of violence, it's no surprise that many readers yearn for the very British delights of the "village crime". Young Sidney Chambers is a kind of Anglican Father Brown, a priest with an avid interest in helping police to solve mysteries. The stories are set in Grantchester near Cambridge, we are in the 1950s, and all is not idyllic amongst the cosy cottages. Unlike the Victorian Miss Marple, Sidney Chambers has a deep understanding of human weaknesses, of which he himself is not free. Participants are requested to read parts of the texts at home. We shall also watch one of the excellent ITV episodes of the series. The Grantchester Mysteries 1: Sidney Chambers and the Shadow of Death ISBN 978 1 4088 31 40 3

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