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Taylor Swift and the Poets

Songwriting and Literature
S 404 0901
CHF 300.00, exkl. Buch
max. 20

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Singer-songwriter Taylor Swift's songs include many references to poets and songwriters, from William Wordsworth to Patti Smith, among others. At the same time, her work has begun to influence poets and songwriters, as with a poetry anthology edited by Kristie Frederick Daugherty, Invisible Strings: 113 Poets Respond to the Songs of Taylor Swift. In this course, we will look at Swift's songs that refer to poets and songwriters, and we will look at poems from that anthology and how they «respond» to Swift's songs. We will also try to find songs by other songwriters that refer to Swift or take up themes that Swift addresses. Level B2

Book: Kristie Frederick Daugherty, ed., Invisible Strings: 113 Poets Respond to the Songs of Taylor Swift, Random House, 2024, 978-0-593-98241-9.

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