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Beyond Borders

English Literature
class no.
S 406 0902
CHF 360.00
Georgia Staub-Clarke, M.A.
max. 12
The textbook will be announced in class.

kostenlose Einstufungstests


Früh anmelden, die Durchführungschancen erhöhen sich so.

English is not always English! In addition to reading works by English and American writers, in this course we will also look at some of the writers in English who transcend borders to represent other cultures, other voices. The emphasis will be on at-home reading and class discussion. Grammar and vocabulary revision will be provided as needed or requested. Level C2 required.

The course has already started.
Please verify, if a registration for this course is still possible:
P 061 269 86 66 or info@vhsbb.ch

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