Die The General Terms and Conditions are valid for every course registration.
Valid from: February 2022
§1 -Registration | Vouchers
Our courses are open to you if you have reached the age of 16. For the Seniors' University the minimum age is 58 years. If you register for one of our courses, you agree to pay the course fee. Your registration will be considered according to the date of receipt. If you wish to pay with vouchers, please send them together with your registration. Vouchers sent in at a later date will not be accepted.
§2 -Courses | Confirmation of your Registration
You will receive a written confirmation of your registration and course as soon as there are enough registrations. If a course does not reach the minimum number of participants, we reserve the right to cancel the course. In case of a cancellation, you will be informed in writing. If you have not received any written information until 5 days before the courses begin, please contact our office.
§3 -Cancellation | Change of Course
Withdrawals from a course must be made in writing to the office no later than seven days (including Saturday and Sunday) before the course begins and involves a cancellation charge of CHF 30.00. Later withdrawals will be charged in full. The date of receipt will be the date on which your letter reaches the office. Verbal withdrawals directed to the teacher are not valid. Please note that failure to pay course fees will not be accepted as cancellation.
§4 -Change of Course in the Languages
For the language courses, there is no charge for changing to a different level of the same language within the first two weeks of the semester.
§5 -Group Size and Duration of your Language Course
Our language courses are held from 5 to 12 participants. The duration of a single class depends on the number of participants in your group:
8‐12 participants: 90 minutes
5‐7 participants: 75 minutes
3‐4 participants: 60 minutes with special offer
If, after the first two weeks the number of participants remains at 3‐4, you will be sent a special offer for the so called "small group course". This must be accepted by all the participants in order to continue the course.
§6 -Course Organization
The descriptions of the course offer contained in the published invitations to tender are binding. Further commitments require written confirmation by the office. For organizational reasons, the VHSBB reserves the right to postpone or combine courses, change the place of execution or reduce courses with a per‐ centage refund of the course fee, as well as to convert on‐site courses into digital online courses if on‐site courses are no longer possible under the current regulations. If a course leader fails, a change of course leader can be made or a substitute can be appointed.
§7 -Course Fees | Missed Lessons
Our course prices are indicated in the course programme for each individual course. Missed course hours do not entitle you to a course fee deduction. You cannot make up for the missed lessons either.
§8 -Payment |Payment Period
The payment period is 30 days. For the payment of the invoice, the reference number on the payment slip must be indicated. Please note that in case of a delay in payment, a reminder fee of CHF 30.00 will be charged in the event of a 2nd reminder.
§9 -Reduction of Course Fees
If you are a student, a trainee or have a Caritas KulturLegi, you can apply for a reduction of between 15% and 50% of the course fee. Enclose a copy of your appropriate ID card with your course registration. We regret that we are unable to consider documents and identity cards submitted at a later date. Course fee reductions are valid for one semester only – please note that you must do this every semester.
§10 -Admittance/ Course ID Card
Please bring a printed or digital copy of the invoice or course ID card to the course and show it to the door control or the course administration on request. The course ID card is personal and non-transferable.
§11 -Insurance
Insurance is a matter of the individual course participant. The VHSBB accepts no responsibility for accident, injury or losses.
§12 -Data Protection
The Volkshochschule beider Basel uses your data exclusively for its own purposes. In particular, it may use your e‐mail address to announce further course offers. You can find our data protection regulations online (www.vhsbb.ch/ impressum).
§13 -Contracting Party
You as a private person are the contractual partner of the Volkshochschule beider Basel. This also applies if your employer pays for the course.
Ganz gleich, ob Sie eine Sprache für Ihr Auslandssemester erlenen möchten, den nächsten Karriereschritt planen oder sich einfach gerne weiterbilden, wir unterstützen Sie! Bei uns begleiten Sie muttersprachliche Lehrkräfte mit pädagogischem Fachhintergrund. In kleinen Gruppen lernen Sie in guter Gesellschaft und teilen Ihre Erfolgserlebnisse.
50% Ermässigung Dank der Initiative „Bildung für alle“, können alle, die eine KulturLegi der Caritas besitzen, eine Kursgeldreduktion von 50% beantragen.
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